Friday, April 25, 2008

Process Serving: Check Your Dignity At The Door

Process serving is as unglamorous as it sounds:

1: Find person X being sued by person Y.
2: Give person X papers.
3: Get out in one piece. Dignity is optional.

Sounds simple. And boring.

It is. Except when its not:

What happens when the defendant is evasive?
This is where it gets fun. It becomes a sophisticated game of tag with high stakes. The stakes being that the plaintiff could lose the case based on improper service. The defendant may skip town with all his or her assets and leave the plaintiff little chance of recovery, which may happen anyway. The defendant's stakes are that he may have his or her whole life turned upside-down. The attorneys may lose clients. The process server may get beaten up, bitten by a dog, lose clients, or get sued. Aside from the stakes, the techniques for effective process serving are all common sense.

"Fun" is one way of putting it. "Nice doggie" is another. Evasiveness is directly proportional to number and/or viciousness of dogs owned. There's nothing like standing on a strangers porch, knowing you're not wanted, listening to three baying dogs rattle the door wanting to have you for lunch.

Forget every self-defense course or weapon. Even pepper spray. If the defendant gets injured, the judge might rule the service "ineffective".

Just smile while you're quaking in your stylish sneakers. If it goes bad, be ready to run. You won't have your dignity, but the service won't be ruined.

In process serving that's all that counts.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A message to "Don Juan" and "Mrs. Robinson"

"Don Juan" is the married man paying for a new beemer, a weekly hotel rental and a mistress.

"Mrs. Robinson" is the married woman doing the same thing. Substitute "boy toy" for "mistress".

Message reads:

Your spouse suspects. You know that. Stop being a coward. File for divorce. Or separation. Or marriage counseling.

You are not an international super spy. You will not get away with it. Avoid looking like the bad guy. Come clean with the spouse. Or stop before you're caught.

Separate and be free to screw whoever you want.


Message ends.

I never get it. Must be the risk factor. Getting caught is the least of it. Ready to risk getting stuck with massive alimony and loosing the kids?

You aren't terrible people. You're just confused and unhappy. But there are choices: fix the marriage or leave the marriage.

Or act like a jerk, have an affair and loose the marriage and everything else.

Why do so many people chose door number three?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

You Think A Law Degree Makes Them Smart

You'd be wrong.

Lawyer 1: spreads rumors a member misappropriated funds. Not true; when checked, backs down, but doesn't apologize.

Lawyer 2: listens with approval when someone in their club regales members with adventures in political vandalism.

Lawyer 3: doesn't read his/her email very carefully and decides he/she's been deceived. When pointed out they're mistaken, they try to change the subject and insist they're right.

Whoever passes out law degrees doesn't check listening or reading skills. (Don't know what
"Lawyer 1" 's excuse is.)

Just because they have a degree doesn't make them smart.

For the record:

I'm not licensed, yet. I never said I was. But anyone unclear can ask. A lowly site administrator was able to. It's a reasonable question. Should be easy for people with law degrees.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Trouble With Nice People

They get in the way.

Anyone who says people aren't observant or nice, try surreptitiously casing a place the suspected unfaithful spouse hangs out . You left the stylish heels at home, got on your "jane doe" nondescript look, and are trying to blend in with the trashy scenery. And where these people go, its trashy indeed.

All you want is to hang out, pretending to read that book or magazine you brought along when you're reading the walk-bys. Maybe grab a cup of espresso. Give the block a walk around, see if anything jumps out. But no matter how reserved or unavailable you look, everyone wants to help. Your "jane doe" getup backfired. You've become a magnet for every would be good Samaritan within a mile radius:

"Can I help you?" (I'm looking at a building)

[Thinking: No, go away.] "Oh hi! Yeah, I was looking for (BS name)? He/she was supposed to meet me here."

"I don't know them. You have an appointment with a client?"

[Thinking: mental note: dress down next time] "No, no! Just a social call. We're meeting for coffee. This is (BS address, same business), right? [look around confused]

"Oh, no. I think that one's up the street."

[Look mildly shocked] "Oh! Really?" [Check notebook]

Nice person makes sympathetic noises. I sign with frustration, look lost, then walk off.

And hope I didn't miss anything.

I drive around the block, sit tight reading the weekly for five, figure the neighborhood girl scout has moved on and get out again. In the middle of looking at a roof line I'm accosted by a lady walking her dog who starts to tell me the history of the building. I nod politely hoping she'll finish soon. Before she's done "Don Juan" appears (Don Juan = any male target suspected of infidelity). Its not too bad. He walks by none the wiser and I've confirmed this location. Main drawback is, thanks to the history lesson, I can't get a photo.

By the time she's done, "Don Juan" is long gone (Got the plate, though). Figuring that's it for the day I go back to the car where some random guy wants to talk about how nice the whether is. Whatever. I'm tired and outta there.

Most people are happy to live in a town full of nice people. Most of the time I am. When they don't get in the way.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jane Doe's story: F.Y.I . on the Q.T.

Jane was an environmentalist. Still is. But she won't go to another action again. Ever.

Jane doesn't want to talk about the details. She's sure the people she thought were her friends will know and be after her again. She's just laying out the facts, she says. Maybe it'll help someone else:

Fact 1: if what your doing will cost the Man money, the Man will try to get you. If the group has problems find out how long. Any group can have problems. We're human. But problems going on for months and years are "honeypots" to lure good activists out who want to help and know how to fix things. The Man wants these people stopped at all costs. First he's got to identify them. If you're it, they'll send someone to get close.

Fact 2: they don't send James Bond. They send someone normal looking hiding in the open. They will encourage you to be open too. They will try to make you feel safe being "out and proud" about whatever. Until they turn on you.

Fact 3: they'll try to get you with sex. If seduction doesn't work, then they'll try porn. If that doesn't work, they'll talk it up. If you're a man, they'll play the macho sex conquest angle. If you're woman, they'll play the liberated feminist angle. Don't matter how, what they're trying to do is "get some goods". Pics, videos, witnesses, whatever.

Fact 4: that fails they'll try to get you drunk. Or make something up and hope it sticks.

Fact 5: any solutions you suggest that might work they'll try to talk you out of. The one you think you can trust will try this harder than the rest. Their reasons won't make sense or will contradict what they said before. "It won't work". They want you to know enough about how bad things are to be controlled. They don't want you to try to fix anything or make things happen. If you get suspicious and cut them off, they'll turn on you.

Fact 6: you'll feel like you went crazy and wonder what you did wrong. What you did wrong: you became a threat. You were effective and they couldn't control you. That's why they had to "take you out".

Fact 7: watch for the first sign of trouble: someone pushing you to be open when you're not ready.

Fact 8: second sign of trouble: trying to push you to do something you don't want to. DON'T DO IT. Listen to your gut.

Fact 9: third sign of trouble: when you ask questions, you get no answers and bullshit.

Fact 10: they "snitch jacket": when you're getting too close to something, they scream agent or cointelpro. Only agents scream agent first without proof.

10 is a nice number. But there's more:

The one charged with keeping you trusting will stage fake attacks on themselves by the "bad people" to keep you sympathetic. You can tell they're fake because they won't really be bothered and they won't take any action, legal or otherwise. Even when "stalked". Don't be fooled. They're working with "the bad people".

They try to manipulate people who have bad backgrounds. Not criminal, just tragic. They want to use the need to belong to make you do things. They'll try to make you feel like someone special and think that works for most people.

It doesn't. Most people who come back from tragedy are strong. But the Man plays the odds. Some are fragile. The perfect people to set up for an action that will make the group look bad. Anyone suggests using bombs or guns GET OUT.

A good group will answer your questions. A good group knows how to disagree without saying agent. A good group will not lie behind your back and will not let anyone else. They'll demand proof of accusations.

Good people get trapped in bad groups. They don't know what is going on. Now you do. The Man wants you stopped.

That's what Jane has to say. Three months ago I'd have nodded sympathetically, and thought "the group was just a bad fit". Now I wonder.

Mother Jones wonders too:

Exclusive: Cops and Former Secret Service Agents Ran Black Ops on Green Groups

NEWS: Meet the private security firm that spied on Greenpeace and other environmental outfits for corporate clients. A tale of intrigue, infiltration, and dumpster-diving.

April 11, 2008

A private security company organized and managed by former Secret Service officers spied on Greenpeace and other environmental organizations from the late 1990s through at least 2000, pilfering documents from trash bins, attempting to plant undercover operatives within groups, casing offices, collecting phone records of activists, and penetrating confidential meetings. According to company documents provided to Mother Jones by a former investor in the firm, this security outfit collected confidential internal records—donor lists, detailed financial statements, the Social Security numbers of staff members, strategy memos—from these organizations and produced intelligence reports for public relations firms and major corporations involved in environmental controversies...


Jane wants readers to know when she says "the Man" she means anyone in the system who wants to stop your activism. They could be from the government, but they don't have to be. Jane believes she and her old group were targeted by a corporation with government contracts.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Why Is "Urban Badger" Helping People Harrass Activists?

Sources are like dates: some bring you flowers and complements and mean it it, others shower you with flattery but just want to get into your pants. This one complemented my articles, claimed to share the same interests, but was really only interested in getting confidential information about my clients.

"Urban Badger"(not his real name) was referred to me by a trusted source. He lives in England and works with people who question the July 7th, 2005 attacks:

An apparently wholesome interest in the public good. Which would mesh with wanting to help stop activist harassment.

"Urban Badger" told my source he knew something about the activist group I asked about. I was investigating a person of interest in this group. This group is like a psycho ex boyfriend: months after members leave, they find their personal information posted on-line as form of personal revenge. Presumably for leaving. No wonder they left in the first place.

"Urban Badger" knew this was a harassment inquiry and claimed he had a contact in this group willing to discuss the group's activities. Not impossible. Even if the group's leaders are jerks, most people aren't. If the activism has anything to do with "social justice", the hypocrisy factor would be enough to make some spill. After some email back and forth, "Urban Badger" said his contact would prefer to me to email him first. Fine.

The reader should know that all attempts to contact the person of interest(technically innocent until proven guilty) had been met with stonewalling. Inquires of group members had been met with the "run around". I was ready to give "Urban Badger's" contact a shot. Worst that could happen was he could waste my time.

Waste my time he did, as detailed in my previous blog.

Cutting my losses, I continued digging elsewhere. Truth was, the clients had moved on. This was follow up work. After the arrogant stonewalling, I was ready to do this for free. Checking one thing lead me to double check another. And I found a shocker: "Urban Badger's" contact was "Urban Badger" himself. They had the same IP address(edited to respect TOS):

Received: from [] by web46104.mail.sp1.xxxxxx via HTTP; Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:31:01 PDT
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:31:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: First Last <insidejob91153@xxxxxx>

Thu, 3 Apr 2008 04:28:20 -0700
Message-ID: C2F70@phx.gbl>
Return-Path: urban-badger@xxxxxx
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Originating-IP: []
From: Urban Badger <urban-badger@xxxxxx>


Geo-Location Information

CountryUnited Kingdom
Postal Code
Area Code

Why'd you do it, Urban Badger? Why are you helping these people hide? What kind of people attack former members long after they left? And what kind of person helps them get away with it? How do you justify that to yourself?

I don't think that's how they do things in England. Your July 7th buddies are going to wonder: why is "Urban Badger" trying to protect the unethical, and possibly illegal, activities of an American activist group?

Watch out for "Urban Badger". He'll waste your time and his moral compass is off line.

For the record, Saturday, April 12th I gave "Urban Badger" a chance to come clean and make it right by Monday. He never emailed back.

Not taking it personally. I get it:

End note: "Urban Badger": If you have a crisis of conscience and want to come clean, email me with everything I asked. I'll hide this blog as a draft while I review what you say. But its too late to take down the Indymedia posts; I don't control those.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Why must they "cliche"? part 2

Know how we get hard-boiled? It's got nothing to do with water, eggs or breakfast.

We spend most of the time waiting, watching, or some other low return activity, with no guarantees. The rest of the time we wonder why we aren't getting paid more. Then comes some jerk promising they want to talk, but pulls a "bait and switch", thinking they can demand information out of us.

Case in point:

> My name is (T. Brown).
> I was given your email by a source who says you are part of the (CITY)
> group (NAME 1) is a member of.
> (NAME 1) is a person of interest in a harassment complaint. Any assistance
> in this matter would be appreciated.
> (T. Brown)

First Last <> wrote:






Also confidential.

My turn:

Why is there no police report if (NAME 1) is a victim of harassment as she claims?

Who told (NAME 2) to give me the "run around" when I made inquires about the Portland group and (NAME1)?

Why did your member (NAME 3) tell one of my sources she had talked to me when she hadn't?

Demanding information you aren't entitled to doesn't win allies.

Make your next email civil.

(T. Brown)

First Last <> wrote:
You got it backwards, kid:

I sent you a professional email with a polite request.
You responded with a demand to violate client confidentiality.

My source said you wanted to tell me about the (CITY) group. You've been given all the information you need to know what my motives are.

This is what it looks like:

The (CITY) group is protecting (NAME 1) and "(NYM)" from harassment charges.
(NAME 2) is running interference.
(NAME 3) is feeding false information to protect (NAME 1).

"First Last", your participation is voluntary. You volunteered.
If you want to share, share. Or stop wasting my time.


Jokers like this drive us nuts. He/she had no intention of "sharing". This was an excuse to "fish". A very bad one from a very bad movie.

Give me a break. We did not learn the trade off the back of a cracker-jack box.

For the love of Christ, stop the cliches.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Case Of The Videographer StandingToo Close To The Cop...Or Not

I've got no problems with cops. They help people, save lives, and help people like me. I'll leave it at that. These men and women work hard, are underpaid and deserve our gratitude when they act within the legal and ethical limits of their authority.

But every group has it's "problem children" or "slow learners". Or people who lack common sense. They are a small part of the group. But they'll cause most of the problems for that group. Police are not an exception. They are only human. And if individual cops remember that, it will be easier to not over step the bounds of their authority just because public scrutiny is making one emotionally uncomfortable. If public scrutiny bothers you, being a pubic servant is not the gig for you.

Enter Joe Anybody and his video adventure:(from the Portland Mercury)

Big Brother's Little Brother

Cop Cites Videographer for Recording Investigation

A FREELANCE videographer plans to challenge the Portland Police Bureau in court after a cop confiscated his camera and cited him, in apparent retaliation for videotaping the cop as he searched a suspect in the street.

Mike Tabor, 47, has been videotaping police activities for the last two years with his Sony Handycam, as a citizen journalist working under the name "Joe Anybody." He posts footage of their activities (especially at demonstrations) on his website, Tabor started videotaping Officer Dane Reister last Tuesday, March 25, at SW 10th and Main, after he saw Reister hurrying to catch up with two men in the street, one of whom was Hispanic, the other white.

"I just thought it was weird because I wasn't sure why he was stopping the men," says Tabor. "So I decided to start filming."

Officer Reister and his partner, Officer Nick Ragona, searched both men and found nothing on them, so they let them go. Early in the encounter, as seen on Tabor's tape, Reister told Ragona, "We're being filmed," and Ragona responded, "I see that." Following the encounter, Reister approached Tabor and asked him his name, and whether he had been recording audio.

"I'm recording video and audio, yes," Tabor responds on the tape.

"Give me the camera," Reister says on the tape. He then wrote Tabor a property receipt for it.

"I told Ragona I was shocked they would take a camera from a journalist," says Tabor. "I told him I thought this was serious, and asked who I should talk to."

Ragona told Tabor to follow them to Central Precinct on SW 2nd, where after 20 minutes, Reister emerged from the back room with his camera and a citation under ORS.165.540, for "obtaining contents of communication (unlawful)."

"He told me the men were drug dealers," says Tabor, adding that he told the officer he was concerned about drug dealers too. "I asked him how I could have filmed the encounter where he would have been comfortable, and he told me I'd been standing too close and made him uncomfortable."

Attorney Benjamin Haile responds to the cop's logic: "The reasonable thing to do if someone is standing too close is to ask them to move back," says Haile, who has decided to defend Tabor against the citation, and if necessary, pursue the matter through federal court on constitutional grounds. "It is not appropriate, without warning, to single out the videographer from other observers and take his camera and give him a ticket."

Haile says it's very important that people have the right to monitor the police and that video is a powerful tool with which to do that. He thinks the law is either being misapplied or it's unconstitutional, according to the First Amendment right to free press and freedom of expression, and also, Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Bill of Rights. Haile thinks there is a strong chance a judge will agree, and dismiss the case.

"If a person observes the police doing something they want to tell other people about and they're prohibited from making video, then their ability to credibly communicate what they saw is stolen from them," he says. "It is very literally stolen from them when the police seize their camera."

Reister declined comment in person, but Central Precinct Commander Mike Reese returned the Mercury's call.

"It was an unusual situation: an officer dealing with a person he knew was a drug dealer from previous experience, believing they were engaged in a deal," says Reese, referring to the suspect Reister was searching. "These are dangerous situations for us, and unpredictable.

"To have someone stand behind the officer while he is involved in a narcotics investigation is a problem," Reese continues. "I think he took an action based on the law, and the constitutionality of these things is for the courts to decide."

Tabor says he will continue to videotape officers in the course of their duty.

"A lot of people say, you're just asking for trouble," he says. "But I'm just concerned about peace and justice, being a good journalist, and about police accountability. That's all."

I highlighted some words and phrases to analyze:

1: after he saw Reister hurrying to catch up with two men in the street,

"Hurrying to catch up" implies a distance reasonable people would not consider nearby.

2:Reister told Ragona, "We're being filmed," and Ragona responded, "I see that."

If they could talk about the filming, later claimed to be so close to make one of them uncomfortable, they could also have said, "please stand back sir; you're too close." According to Reister, Tabor would have heard them fine.

3:, and he told me I'd been standing too close and made him uncomfortable."

See # 2.

4:"The reasonable thing to do if someone is standing too close is to ask them to move back,

See # 2

5:"It was an unusual situation: "To have someone stand behind the officer

Who are you trying to fool, kid? It was a drug bust. A failed drug bust. The only unusual thing was one cop can't understand he's accountable to the public because he's working for the public.

Fact: Tabor was not near enough to interfere with the cops job. If he had been they would have told him immediately not later.

Fact: Reister misused his authority as an officer of the law by using it when no crime was being committed or considered by Tabor.

Fact: Sad excuses are being floated because Reister's superiors know this and are embarrassed.

Most cops are good hard working men and women. A few are jerks who have no business carrying a badge or gun. A few more are clueless about what the job means. The jerks and the clueless make most of the problems.

I'm going to say Reister is "under trained", a tactful way of saying clueless. If your actions can't stand up to public scrutiny while working for the public, being a public servant is not the gig for you.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Why Must They "cliche"?

Got no answers. Only questions.

What's the matter with "Goldilocks"? She's a smart cookie, got a good job, some debts, decent digs and most of her looks. So why does she want to risk throwing it all away to protect some bum?

It's the "stand by your criminal" cliche. It never ends well:

Portland FBI names 'Blonde Bandit' bank robbery suspect

05:43 PM PST on Tuesday, March 16, 2004


The mysterious Portland area bank robber only known as the “Blonde Bandit” now has a name, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The FBI has identified the bank robbery suspect as Denise Ruth Bender, 36, from Milwaukie, Ore. Calls from the public and a witness identified Bender as the woman who’s been allegedly sticking up Portland-Vancouver area banks for about a month, said Beth Anne Steele, a spokesperson for the Portland office of the FBI on Tuesday.

The FBI plans to charge Bender with bank robbery for allegedly holding up the Wells Fargo Bank branch at the Lloyd Center in Portland on March 1. Bender handed a Wells Fargo teller a note and fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The FBI said it believes Bender may be in the company of Richard Horan, also from Milwaukie. The FBI hasn’t identified Horan as a suspect in the bank robberies but said they want to speak to him.

He's gone. God knows where. And she's doing time. Bastard didn't even have the decency to come out of hiding and admit he was part of it.

They asked her to give him up. Repeatedly. The charges might have been reduced. But even after he didn't do squat to help her out of the jam he helped make, she wouldn't. She was "in love".

^Denise Ruth Bender

Is that your story, "Goldilocks"? You're in love? History isn't kind to women who hide their men then step in line to take the rap. And any guy who lets her is scum, pure and simple.

Got no idea if you're reading this. If you are, show us your smarts. Email me like you were asked. Or you might liable for everything he's done under your roof.

Richard Horan^

You're already an accessory. Don't make it worse when you can make it better.

"Goldilocks" is a person of interest who is "stone walling" like no one has since the "Great Wall of China" was built. A public appeal ain't likely to stop the construction, but maybe "Goldilocks" will prove me wrong.