What's the matter with "Goldilocks"? She's a smart cookie, got a good job, some debts, decent digs and most of her looks. So why does she want to risk throwing it all away to protect some bum?
It's the "stand by your criminal" cliche. It never ends well:
Portland FBI names 'Blonde Bandit' bank robbery suspect
05:43 PM PST on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
By ABE ESTIMADA, kgw.com Staff
The mysterious Portland area bank robber only known as the “Blonde Bandit” now has a name, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The FBI has identified the bank robbery suspect as Denise Ruth Bender, 36, from Milwaukie, Ore. Calls from the public and a witness identified Bender as the woman who’s been allegedly sticking up Portland-Vancouver area banks for about a month, said Beth Anne Steele, a spokesperson for the Portland office of the FBI on Tuesday.
The FBI plans to charge Bender with bank robbery for allegedly holding up the Wells Fargo Bank branch at the Lloyd Center in Portland on March 1. Bender handed a Wells Fargo teller a note and fled with an undisclosed amount of cash.
The FBI said it believes Bender may be in the company of Richard Horan, also from Milwaukie. The FBI hasn’t identified Horan as a suspect in the bank robberies but said they want to speak to him.

They asked her to give him up. Repeatedly. The charges might have been reduced. But even after he didn't do squat to help her out of the jam he helped make, she wouldn't. She was "in love".
^Denise Ruth Bender

Got no idea if you're reading this. If you are, show us your smarts. Email me like you were asked. Or you might liable for everything he's done under your roof.
Richard Horan^
You're already an accessory. Don't make it worse when you can make it better.
"Goldilocks" is a person of interest who is "stone walling" like no one has since the "Great Wall of China" was built. A public appeal ain't likely to stop the construction, but maybe "Goldilocks" will prove me wrong.
Could be that she was trying to save her friends life whom was probably coming off government made drugs? LOL ha ha just kidding...you really need to get this shit off Google.....Try posting something important,and that is not how old of news? please.........you are dumb maaaan!,and I will be the first to say so...try looking up the world of Dubia over in Iran,and then maybe we will see who is really! interested! it's old news fool....get over it..ya grudge holding bitch!
Was going to say "huh?", but I know better. Don't look for sense where there's none.
Get all kinds in this biz.
Drugs and men have ALWAYS been more important to Denise. I hope one day she can think of someone other than herself. R.I.P
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